The 'Schomberg'

The 'Schomberg'
Length: 288 feet 2 inches (87.8 metres)
Beam: 45 feet (13.7 metres)
Depth: 29 feet 2 inches (8.9 metres)
Built in 1855 by Alexander Hall in Aberdeen,Scotland
2500 tons sailing ship. Wrecked near Peterborough, in
1855. All on board survived
The 'Schomberg' left Liverpool for Melbourne on her maiden voyage on Oct. 6th. 1855 and was intending to reach Melbourne in a record 60 days. After sighting land near Portland it followed the coast east until coming to grief when she ran aground near Peterborough in questionable circumstances.
The 'Schomberg' lies in particularly dangerous waters and is exposed to the huge ocean swells which break over the wreck. The majority of the site is in around 7 metres of water and is diverse. Part of the 'Shomberg' was located in New Zealand.
Artifacts remain scattered about but there has been almost total disintegration of the hull of this ill-fated 'Pride of British Shipbuilding'.

Information on the 'Schomberg' was compiled from the book 'Exploring Shipwrecks of Western Victoria', by Peter Ronald. Published by The Osburne Group, Warrnambool, 3280. Victoria.