The Domain is a large open space in Sydney, on the eastern edge of the Sydney CBD near Woolloomooloo. The Domain adjoins the Royal Botanic Gardens and is managed by the Royal Botanic Gardens Trust, a division of the New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change. It is a popular venue for outdoor concerts, open air events and for large gatherings and rallies.

Within a few months of the arrival of the First Fleet, Governor Arthur Phillip established a small farm in the cove immediately to the east and named it Farm Cove. Along the valley of the stream that flowed into Farm Cove, he set aside an open area for the Governor's exclusive use known as the 'Phillip Domain'.

Upon his arrival Governor Macquarie built stone walls around the Government House garden and the Government Domain, separating them from Hyde Park. By 1817 it was completely enclosed and the road system completed. It was cleared of trees and opened as a public area in the 1830s.

Cricket matches, which had been played in Hyde Park since the early 1800s, moved to the Domain in the 1850s. It was a rough, uneven, open paddock and cricketers had a constant battle with the public who insisted it was public parkland. Additionally, The Domain was still used to graze cattle and cow pats often had to be removed before a game could start.

The Domain was also used for military and ceremonial events and evolved as a venue for soap box oratory and political meetings.

It currently covers 34 hectares and is still a sporting venue. In any weekday lunchtime its roads are filled with joggers and its grass used for corporate soccer and touch football competitions.

Features in The Domain
• Mrs Macquaries Chair
• The Fleet Steps linking Farm Cove to Mrs Macquarie Road.
• The Art Gallery of New South Wales
• Speakers Corner, similar to Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, London, is an important gathering place where any person may turn up unannounced and talk on any subject they wish, although they are likely to be heckled by people holding opposing views. This has historically been the focal point of free speech in Sydney.

Annual Events in the Domain
• Carols in the Domain
• Homebake music festival,
• Tropfest
• Symphony in The Domain,
• Jazz in the Domain and
• Opera in The Domain.
• The Open Air Cinema operates in the summer months near the Fleet Steps.