Aussie Logo Sundown National Park
New South Wales - Queensland Border
  Sundown National Park

This park straddles the Queensland - New South Wales border north of Tenterfield and covers 6,680 Ha of rugged country, bisecting the Severn River in the Sundown Management Area. Its rugged ridges and gorges contrast with the hills and gullies of the granite belt to the east
Much of the area was cleared for grazing and the remains of yards and fencing remind of the days when wool was produced. Some mining occured from the 1870s
Jibbinbar Mountain in the north-west and the eroded Red Rock Gorge are intrusions of granite into the traprock. Several granite dykes occur with one lead through the entire area resulting in the formation of 'Rats Castle' a local landmark on the river.

© Copyright Peter W. Wilkins